Thanks for the memories....

The True North Rezzfest Spectacular is over for another year and my mood is starting to wane like the smoke plumes of an illegal Rezza fireworks display on New Year's Eve. 
I just need to hang on to the afterglow a little longer though.

The moment where I got the last Kranski off the V8 grill....

Or all that free cardboard.

The moment where we all went mental over the Cambodian Space Project, whilst also smugly enjoying the fact that for once we hadn't paid for the fireworks that were going off in the background.

And Pool House Blues, with Danny Walsh Banned playing slide on a neon guitar with a full stubbie of beer.

All this happened after a few orders from the Edward's Place cocktail menu. I'm intrigued that the "Cocksucking Cowboy" needs abbreviation, but the "Wet Pussy" doesn't. I tried both and I can assure you that they're equally delicious, but I think it's only right that the "Wet Pussy" costs a dollar more.

Edward's Place also has an amazing sandwich menu. 

Seriously, I would live there, if only they had more of this...

Aahh, Rezzfest, we will miss you. We'll keep your seat warm for 2015.

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